Miesing it up Since 1886
Preserving Ludwig Mies van der Rohe’s legacy on Illinois Institute of Technology campus and beyond.
“Architecture is the will of an epoch translated into space. Living, Changing, New.”
— Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
Celebrate Mies van der Rohe‘s 139th birthday with the Mies Society! Join us for our much-anticipated annual event on Wednesday, March 19, a festive cocktail party will be held at the Arts Club of Chicago emphasizing Mies’ love for art both as a patron, collector, and an aesthete who utilized modern art in his drawings and inspiration for his architecture.
Happy Birthday, Mies!
A Special Thanks
With special thanks we acknowledge the efforts and support of Barbi and Tom Donnelley. Through their generosity, fundraising efforts, and preservation knowledge, the Donnelleys have been instrumental in supporting our Mies Society goals.
What is the Mies Society?
The Mies Society is a giving society devoted to strengthening architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe’s legacy by preserving his buildings on Illinois Institute of Technology campus and promoting engagement and fresh interpretations of his design principles in Chicago and beyond.