Steven Weiss Elected Chair of the Mies Society Board of Directors


The Mies van der Rohe Society is pleased to welcome Steven Weiss (ARCH ‘73) as its new board chair. Weiss has been an active board member since 2012. As an alumnus of Illinois Institute of Technology College of Architecture, where he studied at S.R. Crown Hall and has an intimate familiarity with Mies van der Rohe’s work and design principals. Under Weiss’ leadership, the Mies Society has refined its mission and will continue to revive its programmatic activities, launch a new and improved website, and reinstitute its tour program.

Weiss is the principal of Weiss Architects, where he serves as principal designer of all projects and provides oversight management for all endeavors. His designs incorporate functional pragmatism with a particular emphasis on structure and materiality. Weiss Architects is a generalist practice with significant experience in residential, retail, hospitality and sports/recreation architecture. Prior to establishing Weiss Architects, Weiss was a principal at Solomon Cordwell Buenz and a senior associate at Booth/Hansen Architects.

Weiss was elected a fellow of the American Institute of Architects in 1995 and has received many awards for both his architectural design work and his service to the profession of architecture. In addition to his design practice, Weiss speaks regularly around the country on the practice of architecture and the workings of the construction industry.

Join us in advancing Mies’ legacy and become a member of the Mies van der Rohe Society or make a gift today!


Cynthia Vranas, Director of the Mies van der Rohe Society