Meiji Watanabe

"Train Exhibition Hall" (MS 1962)

Advisor: Myron Goldsmith
Others acknowledged: Daniel Brenner and Dorothy Hill
Model Photographs:

Material: Steel
Structural system: Welded diagrid roof system, external columns
Maximum span: 300 ft.

Meiji Watanabe explained that the two-way grid system, (diagonal or orthogonal), was selected for study over other structural types for the strong parallel existing “between the oneness expressed by the equal load distribution of such a system and the non-directional character resulting from its natural application to a square building.” Stresses are equal and symmetrical about either axis, but “the diagonal grid structure is more efficient than the orthogonal grid structure by approximately thirty per cent.”

The proposed building is 300 by 300 feet square, with 8 foot deep built-up plate diagrid roof members are spaced at 35 feet. One elongated ‘H’ column is centered on each facade, under the edge girder, with the enclosing wall located behind it so as to distinguish the expression of each element.

“Grid structures in general possess the natural characteristic of unity. The full architectural expression of this quality formed the principal aim of this study. A unified statement arising from a clear understanding of structure and enclosure has resulted in a building which is both transparent and monumental at the same time.”

1 - Structural Analysis Theses

2 - One-Way Systems

3 - Two-Way Systems

4 - Novel Structures


Arthur Takeuchi


Emmanuel George Glyniadakis