Bankiurkumae Mehta

"A Curved Cable-Stayed Bridge" (MARCH 1982)

Advisor: Myron Goldsmith
Structural Advisors: T. Y. Lin and Mahjoub Elnimeiri
Model Photographs: Uncredited

Material: Concrete, steel and steel cables
Structural system: Concrete box girder with steel mast and cable-stay support system
Maximum span: approx. 1,100 ft.

Bankiurkumae Mehta’s proposal for a curving cable-stayed bridge is a variation of the “hanging arc” form in the well known, unbuilt Ruck-a-Chucky Bridge (1978), also featured in this exhibit. According to Elnimeiri, while the Ruck-a-Chucky bridge was intended for a steep hillside site, Mehta endeavored to apply the same principles of a “hanging arc” to a flat site, bringing into play new issues, mainly masts.

1 - Structural Analysis Theses

2 - One-Way Systems

3 - Two-Way Systems

4 - Novel Structures


Mineo Tanaka


Lawrence Kenny