A Special Thanks
With special thanks we acknowledge the efforts and support of Barbi and Tom Donnelley. Through their generosity, fundraising efforts, and preservation knowledge, the Donnelleys have been instrumental in supporting our Mies Society goals. Barbi has been on the Mies Society Board of Directors for over a decade: Her strong leadership as chair—for two terms—has contributed to the $1.2 million fund raised to preserve the Robert F. Carr Memorial Chapel of St. Savior (Carr Memorial Chapel) and, more recently, the $500,000 fundraising for the restoration of the S. R. Crown Hall South Porch and Steps project. This month, the Donnelleys are being honored by the Richard H. Driehaus Foundation for their outstanding preservation efforts in and around Chicago.
Tom (left) and Barbi Donnelley at a Mies Society event
(left to right) George Sorich, Barbi and Tom Donnelley, Cynthia Vranas Olsen, and Dirk Lohan at NORR offices, Mies event 2022
Barbi Donnelley shown with student-made model of Carr Memorial Chapel, circa 2012
Carr Memorial Capel prior to restoration, circa 2008
Carr Memorial Chapel prior to restoration, window condition
Carr Memorial Capel prior to restoration, condition at door